Would you like to download rare mp3 songs, video files, images, various articles etc.? Here are two simple websites for you.
4shared.com is a public access website. Here you can download the content for free. You can also upload your own files by creating a free account or a premium account. It is easy to share your files to the public so that it can accessible by the person who searches for the file.
stagevu.com is also a free access website. Here you need not a username or password to access the content. You can easily search and directly download the required files. It provides videos, TV shows and many varieties of media contents. You can also search with tags as keywords.
Both these sites need broadband internet connection to download the heavy content. The videos in stagevu.com are HQ and HD files. So you can enjoy the movies and TV shows in high quality. Be careful while uploading media files.
— The above information is intended not to promote these sites. Be careful while uploading and downloading files. The copyright laws surrounded you.–