Applications are invited for the post of Assistant Central Intelligence Officer,
Online applications are invited from Indian Nationals for direct
recruitment to the post of Assistant Central Intelligence Officer,
Grade-II/Executive, General Central Service, Group-‘C’
(Non-Gazetted/Non-Ministerial) in the Intelligence Bureau, (Ministry of
Home Affairs), Government of India.
To download detailed notification click the download button bellow
To enter notification home page:
To apply online directly click the button.
Please keep the following data/ details ready before you
start filling up the ONLINE Application Form:
- E-mail ID with validity for minimum period of six months.
- Scanned copy of your recent photograph in JPG/JPEG format
with white background (min size 5 KB and max size 20 KB) and signature (min
size 5 KB and max size 10 KB) in JPG/JPEG format.
- After saving your data, the system will ask you to upload
your photograph and signature.Then see the preview of your application along
with uploaded photograph and signature. If you need to make any correction in
your data, photograph and signature, please close the preview window and
correct data/upload photograph and signature. Please see the preview and
finally submit your online application.
- Once you submit your online Application, the system will
generate a unique Registration No and Password for the same will be sent to
your email-id. Using this Registration No. and Password, you can login to the
portal and pay your examination fees ( non-exempted candidates) either through
Online mode or through offline mode (Challan).
- Commencement of Online Application
: 13.07.2013(00:00 hrs)
- Last date of receiving Online
Application : 13.08.2013(00:00
- Downloading
the Admit Card : 21.08.2013
- Date of Examination : 15.09.2013
- Result Declaration : 31.10.2013
- Interview Schedule : Nov. 16 - 23, 2013